Amiga Format CD 46
Amiga Format CD46 (1999-10-20)(Future Publishing)(GB)[!][issue 1999-12].iso
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Assembly Source File
194 lines
* 69.asm Custom Requester version 0.00 1.9.97
include 'Front.i'
; When tandem.library makes a requester, it will "attach" it to the
; currently popped window, i.e. it will use the following data in the
; currently popped window:
; xxp_ReqLeft ;the requester xpos in the screen
; xxp_ReqTop ;the requester ypos in the screen
; xxp_RFont ;the font num
; xxp_RFsty ;the font style
; xxp_RTspc ;the text spacing
; And when the requester is removed, the owning window will again be the
; currently popped window. Values are given to xxp_RFont,RFsty & RTspc from
; xxp_pref(a4) when a window is opened, but you may poke new values there
; to over-ride the preferences, before calling the requester.
; But if there is no currently popped window, the requester is placed at
; screen position 0,0 and font num, style & tspace come from xxp_pref(a4).
; The process is:
; 1. create a workspace in the stack for setting up
; 2. call TLreqredi to do the initial setting up
; 3. TLreqredi puts default values in xxp_prfp(a4). These are pens &c
; which your requester uses. You can over-ride these - in the program
; below I insert the prefs for TLReqinfo-type requesters into xxp_prfp
; which conveys the TLReqinfo user prefs to your custom requester.
; 4. xxp_prefp(a4) has the following things, which I recommend you use
; in the drawing of your custom requester:
; a. xxp_prfp+0 background pen
; b. xxp_prfp+1 title pen (highlighted text)
; c. xxp_prfp+2 text pen
; d. xxp_prfp+3 horizontal gaps } Used for "spreading out" your
; e. xxp_prfp+4 vertical gaps } requester
; 5. calculate the requester size. It if is too big, progressively do
; the following:
; a. poke 0 into xxp_RTspc
; b. call TLnewfont #0,#0,#1 to attach Topaz/8
; c. poke 0 into xxp_prfp+3
; d. poke 0 into xxp_prfp+4
; if it still won't fit, you have to re-design your requester. e.g. by
; using TLTabs in it.
; 6. after width & height are calulated, call TLreqchek, which readies the
; data in xxp_reqx,reqy,reqw,reqh. You can poke new values into
; reqx & reqy after that to reposition the requester (but you must
; make sure its bottom left will be on the screen).
; 7. your subroutine should then test xxp_ReqNull, and return if it is
; null. (callers can set ReqNull to 0 to check the size & posn of the
; requester).
; 8. Now, call TLreqon which actually turns the requester on. It will be
; a blank window coloured in with the background pen in xxp_prfp.
; (to over-ride that, poke a temporary value in xxp_prfp during TLreqon)
; 9. Now render the requester, using the above xxp_prfp data.
; You may find TLbutprt,TLbuttxt,TLslider,TLtabs helpful in setting up
; gadget-like areas on your requester. tandem.library rendering routines
; TLreqarea,TLellipse,TLreqbev,TLgetilbm,TLpict may also be useful in
; decorating the requester. TLreqedit has lots of options for font
; display.
; 10. Attach help to your requester if applicable (using xxp_Help).
; 11. Your program may also do the following:
; (a) poke a subroutine address into xxp_hook1(a4) which will be called
; by TLreqon after it calculates the requester dimensions. You can
; use that ot enlarge the requester for adding logos &c.
; (b) poke a subroutine address into xxp_hook2(a4) which will be called
; after your requester is drawn (after step 9 above).
; If you do either of the above, you must at the beginning of your
; requester program MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(A6) and then poke A7 to
; xxp_Stak(a4), since hooks might want to know the register values
; with which your requester program was called. Obviously, you will only
; use hooks with "generic" type requesters which you plan to use in
; many programs, like the requesters in tandem.library itself. Note
; also that after TLreqon uses xxp_hook1 it puts 0 in it, to stop it
; being accidentally left on, and your program should do the same after
; testing xxp_hook2. Your program should pass A4 to the hooks, and
; expect the hooks to trash all the registers (except A7 of course).
; 11. Call TLkeyboard for user response.
; 12. Process the user response. e.g.:
; a. Call TLbutmon to see if buttons from TLbutprt have been clicked
; b. Call TLslimon to see if slider(s) from TLslider have been clicked
; c. Call TLtabmon to see if thumbtabs from TLtabs have been clicked
; d. If an editable text area has been clicked, call TLReqedit
; If the processing of the user input requires some redrawing of your
; requester, go back to step 9. If not, go back to step 11. If the user
; clicks a "Save" or "Cancel" button, or the "Esc" key, go to step 14.
; TLmultiline may be useful for typing a series of strings into a
; buffer.
; 13. Of course, while step 12 is taking place, your program will be putting
; the effects of your users requests into its data sections, for
; appropriate action when the requester closes. A sophisticated program
; might even have another task acting on the data as the user
; specifies it.
; 13. When the requester is ready to close, call TLreqoff.
; 14. It is probably best to call TLwslof, to remove clicks the user has
; made off the requester window, after calling TLreqoff. tandem.library
; requesters operate "synchronously", i.e. everything else in the
; calling program stops until the requester is closed), which may not
; be pleasing to the user, but in my opinion it is still worse to
; have a delayed response to a click of another window some time later.
; 15. It is quite in order for requesters to do "power" things like loading
; and running other programs, opening sub-windows & the like.
width: dc.l 100 ; dummy width & height for the
height: dc.l 50 ; requester below
strings: dc.b 0
dc.b 'Error: out of memory',0 ;1
dc.b 'Click me!',0 ;2
ds.w 0
* here is the "skeleton" of a custom requester.
TLwindow #-1
beq Pr_bad
bsr Custom
bra.s Pr_quit
Pr_bad: ;here if out of mem
TLbad #1
* make a custom requester (with nothing on it)
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) ;save all
sub.w #xxp_WPort+4,a7 ;create dummy part xxp_wsuw
move.l a7,a5 ;a5 points to dummy part xxp_wsuw
TLreqredi a5 ;set pop window, default values to xxp_prfp
beq .bad ;go if TLReqredi fails - unlikely
move.l xxp_pref(a4),a0 ;prefs to prfp } Optional:
move.l xxp_yinf(a0),xxp_prfp(a4) } Use prefs for TLReqinfo-type
move.l xxp_yinf+4(a0),xxp_prfp+4(a4) } requesters (but must set prfp)
;calculate requester size: set width,height
;(adjust prfp & font if necessary to make it fit)
TLreqchek width,height ;check req size & position
beq .bad ;go if won't fit
tst.w xxp_ReqNull(a4) ;quit ok if ReqNull=0
beq .wrap
TLreqon a5 ;open requester window
beq .bad ;go if can't
move.b xxp_prfp+2(a4),xxp_FrontPen(a5) ;} Set pens to TLReqinfo
move.b xxp_prfp(a4),xxp_BackPen(a5) ;} prefernces (see above)
;attach help
.draw: ;draw requester
TLstring #2,#5,#6
.wait: ;wait for user response
cmp.b #$80,d0 ;process user response, branching to
bne .wait ; draw - if requester to be re-drawn
; wait - if requester not to be re-drawn
; clos - if user requested OK/Cancel &c
TLreqoff ;close requester window
moveq #-1,d0 ;signal ok
bra.s .wrap ;return ok
moveq #0,d0 ;too big/can't open window
move.w #-1,xxp_ReqNull(a4) ;leave ReqNull<>0
tst.l d0 ;EQ if bad
add.w #xxp_WPort+4,a7
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6